Pendampingan Pemetaan Potensi Ekowisata bagi Masyarakat Desa Banjarasri, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo


  • Yohanes Satyayoga Raniasta
  • Adimas Kristiadi



eco-tourism, mapping, participatory, Banjarasri Village


Banjarasri Village, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo has tourism potential to be developed into a village with a tourism concept that attracts local, regional, and national tourism activities. Tourism potential with the theme of ecotourism and culture is very suitable for developing in Banjarsari Village when looking at the typological and geographical characteristics. However, this potential has not yet been developed and packaged properly as a tourist destination. For this reason, community service activities carried out by the Duta Wacana Christian University aim to help explore and find existing tourism concepts and together with the community and local government to formulate a more appropriate ecotourism concept by using 5 (five) basic characteristics of ecotourism, including 1) nature-based; 2) ecologically sustainable; 3) environmentally educative; 4) locally beneficial, and 5) generate visitors. The method of this service activity is through Focus Group Discussions, Participatory Workshops, as well as Field Surveys of potential points with the local community in exploring and discovering the tourism potential of Banjarasri Village, and the results are used to make a Village Tourism Map, as well as proposed supported amenities designs


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How to Cite

Yohanes Satyayoga Raniasta and Adimas Kristiadi 2022. Pendampingan Pemetaan Potensi Ekowisata bagi Masyarakat Desa Banjarasri, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo. Sendimas 2021 - Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat . 6, 1 (Jan. 2022), 395–400. DOI: