Pengayaan Potensi Karir Melalui Webinar Sukses Berkarir dan Berwirausaha di Masa Sulit


  • Yenni Merlin Djajalaksana
  • Doro Edi
  • Julianti Kasih



Covid-19 pandemic, entrepreneurship, IT business, IT career, webinar


The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in many businesses experiencing hard times whose income had fallen sharply, and a large number of companies were forced to close their businesses. Businesses that survive must maintain the company's survival by cost savings, either by reducing employees, hiring freeze, or temporarily stopping hiring new employees. As a result, this condition becomes a challenge for university graduates across Indonesia, with fewer job opportunities to start their careers. In this regard, as a form of community service, the Faculty of Information Technology, Maranatha Christian University, held a career potential enrichment in the form of a free webinar inviting practitioners from technology companies to share tips on "Successful Career in Information Technology and Entrepreneurship in Difficult Times." Practitioners are alumni of the Faculty of Information Technology Maranatha Christian University. They have successful careers in various companies or own an entrepreneurial business that successfully went through this difficult time. They also came by opening up opportunities and vacancies for people who were interested in the job opportunities. The webinar targeted alumni, graduating students, and prospective high school students to hear about potential careers in Information Technology and entrepreneurship. The webinar was successfully held with 675 registrants and 383 people attending (+/-56%). The event has also been published on YouTube and MCU


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How to Cite

Yenni Merlin Djajalaksana, Doro Edi and Julianti Kasih 2021. Pengayaan Potensi Karir Melalui Webinar Sukses Berkarir dan Berwirausaha di Masa Sulit. Sendimas 2021 - Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat . 6, 1 (Nov. 2021), 73–79. DOI: