Pembangunan Sistem Database Desain Batik


  • Maria Nila Anggia Rini
  • Widi Hapsari
  • Nugroho Agus Haryono



batik, dokumen digital, sistem database


One of the cultural wealth that need to be preserved is batik. Batik has a variety of motifs, each of which has a philosophy and value. Batik motifs are developed and modified, and even new designs are created. The designs that have been created should be stored properly, so that they can be known in the future. Information technology has a role in the preservation of one of the cultural heritage of batik. One of the ways is storing batik designs that are unaffected by age by digitizing documents. Implementation of the Community Service Program is making digital batik design documents and building a system to store these documents which can be accessed any time. Thus, there are two main stages that are taking pictures of batik designs belonging to the Yogyakarta Batik Museum as a partner and the development of a database system that can access both input and output image data. The design database system was built and can be accessed without time and place constraints and currently focuses on internal interests. So the web-based system is developed for Yogyakarta Batik Museum. The participation of the Yogyakarta Batik Museum is providing resources in the form of batik design image data for Community Service activities.


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How to Cite

Maria Nila Anggia Rini, Widi Hapsari and Nugroho Agus Haryono 2021. Pembangunan Sistem Database Desain Batik. Sendimas 2021 - Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat . 6, 1 (Nov. 2021), 142–147. DOI: