Program Pelatihan Pemberdayaan dan Peluang Bisnis Teh Kombucha Bagi Persaudaraan Muda-mudi Vihara Dharma Loka Kota Pekanbaru, Riau
Kombucha tea, Vihara Dharma Loka, youth brotherhood, online community service programAbstract
The whole world is experiencing the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, both socially and financially. One of the sectors of society that is being financially affected is the Youth Brotherhood of Vihara Dharma Loka (PMVDL) which is located in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province. Financial decrease of Pekanbaru society cause in declining the financial donors to support PMVDL organizational activities. Therefore, through the online community service program (KKN), Group 68 offered a program about kombucha tea in order to empower the community in PMVDL to start their own business independently, so it is expected to improve the economy. The scope of the activities including introduction and process of making kombucha tea, packaging and branding for social media marketing, and calculation of production cost to inform the profit of this business. All activities were carried out by online seminar and monitoring was done to know the progress during kombucha tea production. Kombucha tea with brand from PMVDL, Instagram Ads. account to promote the product, and book to plan the budget were successfully produced. Participants were actively participated during the program. Thus, indicated that kombucha tea production can be one of the alternatives to start business during pandemic to solve financial problems.
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