Bincang Daring di Komunitas Tumbuh Sosial Sma Karangturi Semarang untuk Menumbuhkembangkan Minat dan Inovasi Siswa


  • Budi Sutedjo Dharma Oetomo



Learning Artificial Intelligence, Online Talk Shows, Community Growing Social, tudent Interest and Innovation, Applied and Creative Technology


To open the 2021/2022 academic year, Karangturi Senior High School Semarang has held an online talk shows with the theme "Enhance Your Tech" with the aim of growing interest, and spurring students' creative and innovative power in studying applied technology in the field of Artificial Intelligence, especially Robotics, Game Technology, Data Science and Digital Advertising. The activity was intended for students in grades X-XII and was attended by teachers and all school leaders. The online talk shows method allows participants to have direct conversations with resource persons from academics, practitioners and professionals of national scale companies in the midst of the implementation of the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Prior to participating in the discussion, students and teachers had made preparations by exploring the theme and compiling written and oral questions to explore the insights of the speakers. Knowledge and creative breakthroughs to build scientific synergies from school subjects obtained from resource persons will be further explored in the Social Growing Community. These online talk shows activities have become an effective and efficient means to develop insight, find breakthroughs and creative ideas in applied and creative technology learning for students, teachers and school leaders.


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How to Cite

Budi Sutedjo Dharma Oetomo 2021. Bincang Daring di Komunitas Tumbuh Sosial Sma Karangturi Semarang untuk Menumbuhkembangkan Minat dan Inovasi Siswa. Sendimas 2021 - Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat . 6, 1 (Nov. 2021), 339–344. DOI: