Konflik dan Negosiasi Ruang Sosial pada Pemodelan Masterplan Desa Wisata


  • Gregorius Sri Wuryanto
  • Eka Adhi Wibowo




creative economy, spatial conflict and negotiation, masterplan modelling of tourism based village, creative space, social space transformation


The transformation of the village into a living habitat which is socio-economically leveraged through the creativity of its citizens makes the village empowerment program find a certain foothold in the various themes of development strategies. The Desa Wisata (Tourism based Village) formation is one of the current models that is widely replicated in both the concept and activities of its empowerment program. The study of modeling the Desa Wisata Alam dan Budaya (Natural and Cultural based Tourism Village) master plan in Dukuh Tegal Balong, Desa Bimo Martani, Kapanewon Ngemplak, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta in this case study will highlight the findings of conflicts and spatial negotiations that occurred during the designing process. The applied qualitative tools of analysis on the social space transformation processes would involves three variables: (1) the role of the actor/agent of transformation; (2) patterns of production and consumption of social space; and (3) conflict and negotiation of social space. The master plan design process, which was carried out using the participatory method, has opened up a learning space for the development of community competencies in initiatives governance, conflicts management, and collaborative collective teamwork work models. Analytical studies of Masterplan modeling of the Desa Wisata Alam dan Budaya will critically reconstruct the social space as a communal creative space. Hopefully, by this masterplan modelling, it will transform Dusun Tegal Balong into a competitive and creative village .



How to Cite

Gregorius Sri Wuryanto and Eka Adhi Wibowo 2021. Konflik dan Negosiasi Ruang Sosial pada Pemodelan Masterplan Desa Wisata. Sendimas 2021 - Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat . 6, 1 (Nov. 2021), 372–380. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21460/sendimasvi2021.v6i1.73.